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Old 08-06-2007, 11:15 PM
im_not_1337 im_not_1337 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 78
Default New college student seeking financial advice

Heres my story:

First off, I know people don't like endless "what should i do with my dead money, help!" posts, but this isn't exactly that, i want to know if i even should invest it, or just pay off loans etc.

I basically have no idea of investing, this kind of bank account or bond or that. I just have my 5k in a student savings account which from what i have heard, is basically useless in growing my money, it just holds it there.

In a month ill be going back to college as a sophomore. I've already been to college for one year and my parents completely paid for all room/board and tuition. However, they said since im a twin and have other siblings, they can't afford to pay for all of my college and that i will have to be on student loans for the remaining 3 years plus likely 2 years in grad school going for an MBA. Really not that bad and i greatly appreciate them giving me a year totally free.

I have 5k in the bank and have a part time job making 12/hr doing tech support type work, plus im making roughly 1k/month from poker, likely more as i move up limits and improve etc. Ive added all school expenses up and it comes to little less than $12k a year for everything (Includes room/board, meal plan, tuition, books, and some spending money). So lets say i add in another 1k for random expenses. That means my yearly expenses should be about $13k, probably less.

My main question is this: Should i try to do something with investing my $5k? I think i should but what should i do with it? Theres probably so many options out there but i don't have a clue about any of them. I should be close to being able to pay my expenses just from my part time 12/hr 20hr/week job. That would land me at a little over $11k/year without taxes taken out plus poker winnings.

So, if you think i should try to invest the $5k, should i invest poker winnings and my job money as well? Or should i just pay off student loans immediately as i go with the $5k +job money +poker money? Should i not invest anything, and try to just pay as i go with the student loans? Should i invest it all and pay off student loans after college? Just invest the 5k? etc. All advice is greatly appreciated
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