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Old 08-06-2007, 11:12 PM
DonkeyKongSr DonkeyKongSr is offline
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Default Re: Knocked Up (the movie)

Tonight I walked over to the Farmer's Market here in LA for dinner. I walked in and as I was walking up to the Korean BBQ stand that I planned on getting dinner at, Seth Rogan walks by in the opposite direction. I think, "Cool, maybe I'll see if I can find him around later and say hey." I get to the booth and order my food. Just as I'm done, I turn around and there he is in line behind me. Not really being prepared for anything I say, "Hey man, how's it going?" He stares at me for a sec trying to figure out if he should recognize me, before he says, "Good, man."

I move on and I end up standing next to him for a couple minutes while our food was being made. He was doing some stuff on his phone, so I decided not to bother him. There were probably 30 or people around and I was the only one I could tell that recognized him, so I gave him his peace instead of saying something stupid like, "So, did you really get to bone Katherine Heigl?"

On the way out I saw him sitting at a table with his parents (he looks a lot like them) and some girl who was either his sister or a girlfriend...I'm not sure which.

Since this was such a boring TR, I'll complete it by saying the kalbi was pretty good.
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