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Old 08-06-2007, 11:47 AM
erac22 erac22 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Jersey
Posts: 65
Default Re: Whats the best country for online poker?

If you don't like the heat then Costa is not for you. There are 2 seasons down there. During our winter, it is their dry season, 100 degree heat and low humidity. Our Summer is their rainy season, still very hot, humid, and rains a few hours pretty much every day. It's fairly comfortable at night. I basically surfed from 6am to 10am every day, stayed inside from 10-4, then put in a sesh later in the day when it started to cool off. I spent 2 weeks there a few years ago in december, I fell in love with it. It's cheap by US standards, (expensive compared to the rest of Central America) very safe, the people are cordial and lots of them speak english, the food is awesome (get used to fish, rice, and beans) and if you're a surfer, the waves are good and consistent. I can't wait to get back. I know nothing about poker there.
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