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Old 08-06-2007, 10:23 AM
Jeff76 Jeff76 is offline
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Default Re: Professional No-Limit Hold \'em Volume 1 Review Thread

Finally got my copy. Great so far (just through the first section).

It is clear to me from reading this thread that people are missing some of the ideas in the text. Right from the beginning the authors talk about the most important thing being having a plan for your hand. I've known for quite a while that this is important, but quiet honestly wasn't certain HOW to plan for my hand. It is pretty clear that this book will give me many of those tools, and I'm looking forward to getting deeper.

But those people who come away from this book saying "well x happened, and now I'm in y spot, and the authors say that I should to z here" have completely missed the point. They make it crystal clear that this is not the way to think about a poker hand. Rather it should be "if I do x then that gives me the best opportunity to profit when I get into y spot where my plan is z, unless I get additional information that requires me to change my plan". If people miss this, though, it is through no fault of the authors, who have done an excellent job thus far presenting the material.

I can't wait for the rest of the book.
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