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Old 08-05-2007, 11:52 PM
Tilter Tilter is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 62
Default Re: If I have to time, is it best to work out + cardio every day?

why are you asking a poker forum (Do quick google search for fitness forums, which likely have paid experts who answer questions)? <--try a 10 day free trial so you can guage the workout plan they put people on and give example meal choices

Good luck, the first step is getting active then its dedication and will power.

And cardio everyday will work at the beginning because you will easily burn some of the fat around your face, neck and some around the waist. But eventually you get to the point where your body will be burning muscle to replenish the energy and that is when you need the strength training to come in to help keep your body shaped nicely (and 1lb of muscle added will burn additional 50 calories/day).
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