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Old 08-05-2007, 10:58 PM
Grunch Grunch is offline
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Default Re: QQ please berate me

Checking the flop is best here, strange as it may seem. If you bet, he will almost never call with a hand like JJ or TT. But if you check it behind, he will have a hard time putting you on an Ace on the turn. If he bets the turn, you can call and then call the river. If he checks the turn, you can bet and then bet the river. If at any point he raises you, release the hand.

This is a classic WA/WB situation, in which we need to balance a few different things. We need to control the size of the pot so it doesn't get too big. (Our hand isn't worth our stack.) Yet we don't want to pot to be so small that we don't get any value. Plus we have position thruought the hand, which we can use to our advantage by forcing the opponent to betray the strength of his hand when he flopped somethgin very strong. Two streets of value is about right for this hand.
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