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Old 08-04-2007, 08:37 PM
SirFelixCat SirFelixCat is offline
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Default Simple(?) questions about video card/monitor resolutions...

So I'm pretty sure I'm getting myself the HP LP3065 30" LCD monitor. It will be coupled by at least one 8800GTX video card.

The monitor, essentially has 2 resolutions: 2560x1600 and 1280x800.

The video card has a plethora of res: ranging from 640x480 up thru 2560x1600 and about a dozen in between.

I will keep the monitor set to 2560x1600 for all non-gaming functions/applications.

But, in game, esp. on older games, most will not have the 2560x1600 as an option. Therefore, will it allow me to, say, use the 1920x1200 resolution? Even though the monitor doesn't list it as a resolution?

Also, if I can't use the native resolution in games (newer ones won't be an issue), will it stretch the picture or give the option of black bars etc? Which gives the option, the monitor or the video card?

Thanks and sorry for the dumb ???
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