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Old 08-04-2007, 10:35 AM
spider spider is offline
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Default Re: Cramer: Bernanke, Wake Up (Funny stuff)

From memory it was more to the effect that 14M loans were taken out in the past 3 years with 7M being exotic and he predicted that half of the exotics would lose their home.

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I heard this as "they will lose their homes" meaning 7 million (of the 14) will lose their homes. I doubt he really meant that literally but who knows.

I also did not think he was acting. Appearing passionate/emotional is one thing, looking like a lunatic is another -- unless of course we are really on the edge of Armegeddon/Great Depression part 2 in which case Cramer will look good in retrospect.

But hardly anybody smart would go as far as Cramer is going. And if Cramer is so wired in to what's happening, what took him so long to figure this out? Tons of folks have been talking about the eventual problems that would be caused by the excessively low risk spreads for the last couple of years.

Also, discount window WTF? That is just for super short term (overnight) loans, right? That mainly matters for short term panics like 9/11. Whatever the current problems are and regardless of how serious they are, I don't see what the discount window has to do with it. Nobody facing foreclosure is going to be helped by opening the discount window.

Did not realize Cramer was 62. He is such a spaz I thought he was early 50s or so.
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