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Old 08-03-2007, 11:30 PM
JackWhite JackWhite is offline
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Default Re: Tancredo: Threaten to Bomb Muslim Holy Sites in Retaliation

Again, aside from the positively barbaric nature of his comment, it's absolutely bewildering to me that he considers this a serious policy suggestion. It's even more bewildering the leadership of his own party -- many of whom rose up to condemn Ron Paul for engaging in a legitimate debate -- are silent now. And aside from various blog posts at sites like CNN, most of the popular media in the US has remained relatively silent as well. Strange times, indeed, that Paul's comments draw vast amounts of ire and scorn in some corners, while Tancredo's draw mostly shrugs and apathy. Somehow, I don't think Bill O'Reilly, Anderson Cooper, and Joe Scarborough are going to devote much time to Tancredo's idiocy on their shows next week, although I hope I'm wrong. Had he suggested US foreign policy motivated 9/11 terrorists -- that would have earned furious condemnation from the Sean Hannitys of the world. Suggesting we indiscriminately bomb allies and innocents, however...that prompts only silence.

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It is probably greeted with silence because he is at less than 1% in the polls, and the vast majority of Americans have never heard of him. If former Senator Gravel made a crazy remark (he probably has made several), that wouldn't create a media buzz either. Maybe Tancredo made this stupid remark for the sole intention of getting media coverage...who knows. He might be as upset as you that this hasn't become the issue of the day.
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