Thread: Poker Hand XML
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Old 08-03-2007, 07:13 PM
wallenborn wallenborn is offline
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Default Re: Poker Hand XML

It just seems more logical to me to have the size of the bet/call/raise always be either the additional chips for that action, or the total amount of chips a player has put in so far this round. Mixing them up for different actions doesn't make sense - to me at least!

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Let's keep an eye on implementation, too. How would a programmer implement a routine that calculates the pot size at a given point in the hand? If the action-amounts always denote the amount the player put in with that action, it's very simple: just add up all amounts from all actions. If they denote the amount a player raised to or called to, it's a little more complicated: find the last action for each player in each round, and add these. But if the notation treats bets, calls and raises differently, things could get very messy.
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