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Old 08-03-2007, 05:53 PM
maniacut maniacut is offline
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Default Re: Aching shins/calfs whilst and after running

I don't know about the shin pain but about the calf pain you may have calf/achilles tendinitis. Is the pain in your calfs worse when you first wake up? Does the calf hurt during a small jump (on extension and landing)? Can you sometimes warm up and feel the pain go away but if you rest it comes back worse? Those were my symptoms and I self diagnosed myself with calf/achilles tendinitis. After looking on the internets for treatment all I found was the standard Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation protocol so I tried that and it did alleviate my pain but very slowly. After about a week with slow progress I found this study
Their sample size is pretty small I guess but I had nothing to lose and have been doing the calf raises now for 5 days and it's really working 1000x better than just RICE therapy.

Overuse injuries are a bitch as it's so easy to take 1 step forward and 2 step backwards. Be aware and try to avoid that...
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