Thread: Poker Hand XML
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Old 08-03-2007, 03:25 PM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Poker Hand XML

Random comments:

- Don't like the idea of raise TO. For each action, simply have the amount of money that's put in by that person during that action. That way the hand is agnostic to your description of the action (bet, raise, call). Stars really screws this up, and it's not the way most poker sites do things.

- Dislike the integer/cent representation. It's confusing to people casually browsing the hand and not intuitive. Is 2575 $25.75 or $2575? Since it's stored as text anyway, the issues with double precision are left as an exercise for the programmer, and nearly everyone who's going to use XML will have decimal data types available. If they're going to run into trouble parsing to doubles, they're going to run into trouble dividing by 100 to get the actual $ value.

- We're not in a hurry here. Let's take our time and see if we can't get it right the first time, get developers like PokerAce/PokerTracker to have some meaningful input, and get a good consensus on things. Tickner et al have done enough already that this will get finished in a few weeks. The only person pressing this is rvg and he's partly representing his own financial/workload interests.
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