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Old 08-03-2007, 03:19 AM
tom grant tom grant is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: Crazy Phil Laak story with Pics

First of all, who has a fat wife in Thailand? I can't recall seeing one fat Thai male or female the whole time I was there. Maybe she's a good cook.

And as far as I can tell from the story this guy is nuts.

"On arrival back in Thailand I purchase all the items and the find out that because they are of a religious nature a 10,000$ tax is required. I telephone Phil and he starts screaming and shouting (like the spoilt brat he is) that he is being ripped of I put the phone down and do not here any more."

That's the "Thailand religious artifact exactly $10k USD tax on exporting X number of items".

" My wife on hearing about this nearly had a nervous break down. She was so scared that she went to the Police on her motorbike to file a complaint on the way there she was hit by a car and now has the use of only one leg. Soon after this she developed M.S and although Phil Laak is not directly responsible for this
I am sure that all the stress did not help her condition in any way."

Come on.

And so let's see. Phil gave the dude $5k, then opened a business with him and gave him $15k, then felt like he was being ripped off for another $10k (which he probably was), got pissed and ended it. Nothing at all out of line by Phil here.

Now comes the part that is probably a big lie but could possibly be true to some degree.

"1 month goes bye and I get a phone call from an American ex-pat living in Thailand that Phil (Scumbag)Laak has paid 15,000$ to have me and my wife shot and will pay another 15,000$ when he receives the photo’s ."


[/ QUOTE ]Well at least i have something in common with Phil he also has a fat wife
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