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Old 08-02-2007, 06:55 PM
iversonian iversonian is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 367
Default Re: How annoying are \"assistant dealers\"?

- Call hands at showdown, especially in Omaha


- Remind people to put their blinds or antes out

Annoying. The dealer will do this eventually before he deals the first card. Time saved -- minimal.

- Push in other people's bets if the dealer is having a hard time reaching (I try to show my hands to prove I'm not stealing from the pot)

Good. Unless the dealer is one of those short armed ladies who blames the players for her being short armed. Then, I prefer that she be made to work for her tips.

- Tell people its their action if it looks like they didn't notice, although I imagine sometimes they're just thinking. I'll look at them and say "action" or do a "palm up point" like a dealer would.

Unless the dealer's distracted by something else, annoying.

- Feed $1 chips into the pot so the dealer doesn't have to make change to take the rake.

Who could object to that?
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