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Old 08-02-2007, 07:08 AM
GoodCallYouWin GoodCallYouWin is offline
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Default Oh Canada! Let\'s get rid of the income tax.

Oh Canada! Let's get rid of the income tax and replace it with nothing.

The income tax is not a necessary evil, it is simply evil. The underlying assumption is the government owns your labour, your very life, and allows you to keep some of it. Working is not profit, it is trade; you trade your labour for someone else's money. This should not be subject to a tax.

If we are to abolish the income tax we need to greatly rethink our government programs. It is a myth that the welfare state benefits the poor. There are certainly SOME benefits; like for example, not paying for health care, but the costs far outweight the benefits.

What are the costs? " In 1968, Canada was second only to the United States among the G7 economies in per-capita income. Now Canada is 18th amongst the 27-member OECD--behind Italy and even Ireland--a country with ten percent of Canada's population."

source :

Further, productivity gains have been erroding rapidly over the last twenty years. Productivity is extremely important because that equates to how much the workers get, and I heart the workers, even if they don't heart my polices.

So we're becoming bankrupt. But we care about people! Isn't that important? Well of course the truth is we don't care. It's nice to imagine the government as some benevolant force that goes around solving the problems of poverty... but as I walk around my city, and pass homeless man after homelessman, I have to think : gee, maybe it's not working.

Socialism and government intervention in the economy always fail; the question isn't if but when. So let's stop it already. We must begin dismantling the welfare state immediately, and through getting rid of useless government programs that serve only special interest at the expense of the general population we can afford to get rid of the income tax. And replace it with nothing.

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