Thread: Drug Posts
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Old 08-01-2007, 09:56 AM
CybrPunk CybrPunk is offline
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Default Re: Drug Posts

also i was thrown off when you said you were raised in the heart of the bible belt. my mistake.

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yeah, but i see past it. i do agree with what u said about religion...

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that would mean you are not a complete retard. good work.

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well, i just have strong opinions about some things, drugs/alcohol being one of them. and every time i try to discuss it i get blown off as a troll

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In my experience people that use this excuse are the product of an alcoholic/addicted parent and thus have a very unique viewpoint on how drugs and alcohol effect the world.... namely because their lives were [censored] as a direct result of drugs and alcohol.

People that keep riding this guy need to consider all the possibilities before jumping on his case. I realize his opinion isn't popular, but he still has a right to have one and there's a chance there are some really extenuating circumstances here.

Drugs and alcohol can destroy lives and families. Hasn't happened in my case, and I'm sure lots of other people on this forum are just fine, but there are definitely social effects when it comes to drugs and alcohol... whether they affect you directly or not.

I'm sure there's at least one child somewhere in the world being beaten by their addicted parent right now.

Everyone that says drugs and alcohol have zero effect outside of personal use needs to wake up to reality.

I'm not advocating that drugs are immoral or that they are wrong. I'm advocating that people are stupid and do stupid things. Drugs make stupid people to even more stupid things. Sometimes those stupid things harm others.

In short, people are stupid and should be banned.