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Old 08-01-2007, 02:04 AM
CocoaKrispies CocoaKrispies is offline
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Default Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows discussion thread (SPOILERS)

What kind of bothered me in the last couple books was the "missing" of certain spells. It seemed like Harry & Co could dodge spells pretty easily, whereas the Death Eaters would get hit by most spells. You would think that Magic spells (especially nonverbal, which you would have no warning about) would be very difficult to dodge.

On the plus side, I've now re-read DH, and it's really enjoyable, especially the last few chapters. As was mentioned before, the Epilogue was a bit dissapointing, but the Prince's tale and Harry sacrificing himself were both very powerful chapters, as well as the final duel between Harry and Voldy (I think it will be better in the book than on film, on film will seem contrived). I was very happy with the conclusion to the story.
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