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Old 07-31-2007, 10:29 PM
tightymcfish tightymcfish is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 76
Default Re: Professional No-Limit Hold \'em Volume 1 Review Thread


If they won't pay you off at all, bluff more. If they're hyperaggressive, check more.

Why would you routinely bet the pot other than when multitabling so much that you cannot size bets fast enough?

If they can figure out a partly-randomized preflop raising strategy that uses varying raise sizes, just use a fixed preflop raise size. But pick one that works decently for the hands you'll be playing. Also, if they are very aggro and excellent hand readers, they win. However, don't overestimate the mad skillz of your opponents. There is a reason only a couple handfuls of players kill those games.


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Matt in no way am I bashing your book. I think the REM part is very good, so is the fundamentals part for an upcoming player to start thinking these topics (i.e hand ranges, equity, etc).

My only gripe with the book is that it seems you are trying to provide a do it all formula so that players don't take it upon themselves to get better postflop. Most of the examples of SPR are basically I raise x amount so I can pot,pot,pot get it all in. I just feel that this kind of thinking basically makes a player a bot.(I know you mention not to be one but trust me most people who will read your book just want a let me get good fast at poker formula as if there is one). Plus most good players online will catch on to this extremely fast with the tools available to them nowadays (pokertracker, ace hud, etc)

Also, I have played both online and live and I feel your book is mostly geared towards live play as the players and examples you mention you will find mostly in the live arena
Online players for the most part just don't make some of the moves you mention anymore. (i.e. open limp)

I was thinking about your book more after you posted and I think a beggining player can succesfully beat most live games with your book but will get crushed online as the players have just gotten way better through the years.

Again in no way do i mean to disrespect any of the authors as I do feel they did a very good job with the first part of the book.
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