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Old 07-31-2007, 07:44 PM
CudjoeBill CudjoeBill is offline
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Location: Cudjoe Key, FL
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Default Re: poker grapher on vista?

This happens sometimes. I haven't been able to figure out exactly why it gets grayed out, but here is a work-around.

Setting PG to Always Run As Administrator:

Find the PokerGrapher.EXE file in the C:\Program Files\PokerGrapher folder and right-click on it, then you can select "Run As Administrator" and it will work fine.

After doing that, if you right-click on the PokerGrapher.EXE file and create a desktop shortcut icon you can then right-click on that icon, select Properties then click the Advanced button, you can then tell it to Run As Administrator. Save all the changes.

Now when you run PokerGrapher by double-clicking on the desktop icon it should prompt you to cancel/allow that program to run. This is how you will know it's running as an Administrator.

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