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Old 07-31-2007, 08:10 AM
jmillerdls jmillerdls is offline
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Default Re: OT: How do people stay from getting bored while playing?

I use to have this problem as well. I do a couple of things that help.

First...I play MORE tables...not less. I think this lessens the boredom. I personally 12-table these days, but have played upwards of 24 tables at different times.

Second, and probably what I credit the most for being able to put in the hours, and the tournaments...I play continuously, not in sets. If you get yourself to start opening a tournament as soon as you bust out of force yourself to continue playing.

This way, I put in 3 to 4 hour sessions as opposed to my normal 45-1 hour sessions that I had previously. So, 2 sessions a day equates to not only a longer period of time for working than what I was previously also results in far more tournies played per hour.

It was very hard for me to adjust to this, because I was so use to having all my games in the same blind level, with the same feel...but I think having to evaluate the blinds on each table helps me stay more focused and not just get into a completely robotic (boring) style.

Give it a shot, might work for you as it has for me.
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