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Old 07-31-2007, 04:32 AM
TheProdigy TheProdigy is offline
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Default Re: ** Official July Chat Thread: The Black Swan **

He and me are text messaging(that comment sounded teh ghey).

Like I said he wasnt much help as he talked to me years ago and I just started playing this January, but whatevs.

He has said he is drunk and flat broke. He is going to try and get a loan tomm. and get me the money, if not he will give me his sony vaio computer and let me sell it and pay the difference once he gets some money. He is a degenerate and I sincerely do hate taking his money knowing his situation as he has obv. problems. Oh wait, nevermind he tried to scam me and got scared when I came after him with authorities. Better get me that money by Saturday!

P.S. I obv do feel sorry for him and anyone who would try to pull this. He is obv in a tough spot and has problems, or he wouldn't pull this on an 18 year old that he knows would have to transfer it to him just because of the facts I told you. I think and hope he makes the situation right so I can block him and get him away from me, I have paid off my debt to him and hopefully will come out even.
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