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Old 07-31-2007, 02:37 AM
Mcbrag Mcbrag is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 57
Default Re: Congress requests WWE\'s steroid-tests documents. Not their place?

Being that steroids are already illegal, I'm thinking that congess investigating the WWE is a waste of time. If there is probable cause then search these goons' homes, gyms, trailers, whatever and then blood test them like you would a typical felon. If there is no probable cause leave them alone. If congress' reasoning is that they are role models (I consider them more along the lines of soap opera actors or circus performers) then maybe they should spend their resources investigating the music industry instead for their glamorization of illegal drug use. This is the most worthless congress ever so they are really looking for something to make headlines, that can portray them in such a way that they are making a positive impact on something. Don't forget, they call for an investigation in July, They start the investigation in December. The investigation lasts through March. Conclusions and recommendations come out in June. Big press conference is held to say "look at us we got something done and don't forget to vote for us being that it's an election year and all."
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