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Old 07-31-2007, 12:06 AM
SuperUberBob SuperUberBob is offline
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Default Re: AK PF kinda sticky situation, Stars 25 buy in

This is a pretty tough spot. Folding is obviously out of the question. But neither option (shoving or calling) is too comfortable either.

I don't like calling because if UTG calls, then MP2 has proper odds to call. Then, UTG will be sandwiched between a preflop re-raiser and a limp/caller. I think calling off 1/4 of your stack and folding a flop with all undercards is spew. You could call and hope to hit an ace or king, then jam the flop.

On the other hand, I don't like shoving because you're in at best a race situation and possibly dominated. Against a donkish player, I'd jam. But in this situation, I don't feel comfortable shoving when we are underdogs against nearly every hand villain could have here. And we are getting called here. No way villain folds to a 4-bet all-in after re-raising an UTG raiser and an overcall.

In the end, I probably take the safer route and call. If you miss and fold, you still have 30 BB left and more than enough play to work with for a while. It's the best of two pretty bad options.
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