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Old 07-30-2007, 08:23 PM
GTL GTL is offline
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Default Re: Strattera(ADHD med) making me feel like crap

if you can't sleep, take less. you mentioned that you're having more intense orgasms and more sexual energy. this is most likely from the amphetamines themselves and not from some other ingredient in the drugs. many amphetamines increase sex drive and also put you into euphoric states at higher doses.

you asked if it was dangerous to be on the drugs if you don't really have add. imo, it is not any more dangerous to be on the drugs with or without ADD. You face the same risks of creating dependence whether or not you have mild ADD, severe ADD, ADHD, or other problems. Just make sure to talk to your doc about the risks, and tell him how you feel. You are the best judge of how the medicine is working, and whether or not you should change dosages, or stop altogether. Just be aware that the drug can be addictive for certain people.

I don't believe that I have ADD, or ADHD, but when I was in college I used Aderall on several occasions to help me pull all nighters or concentrate to write a big paper. It worked amazingly well at keeping me awake and able to focus for long periods of time. However, it destroyed my appetite, and made it difficult for me to sleep. For this reason, I only took it 2 or 3 times. The negative effects outweighed the positive.

Have your doctor experiment with dosages to try and reduce the negative effects while still maintaining the positive ones.
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