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Old 07-30-2007, 05:17 PM
John Spartan John Spartan is offline
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Posts: 304
Default Re: Trip Report - DUI


MADD really sucks. They can't distinguish between the one-time drivers who made a mistake and if they get a reasonable punishment, will wise up and probably never do it again. Like the points scheme you advocate and maybe a fine to go along with it, not as huge as a DWI fine but still one that makes the difference. Like a few points on the license and a $700 fie isn't a bad idea, and making the .10-13. people get a harsher punishment(and even punishment if it's not their first time getting busted for DWAI/DUI/DWI), and for the people who are .14 and up, taking their license away for a year and punishing them even more severely(and again stronger punishment if it isn't their first time).

I am mad when I read in the paper about a guy who had 4 previous DWI convictions getting blasted at a bar or at home, and then going out and driving and hitting someone, killing them. His BAC was something ridiculous like .18 Some of these people still had valid drivers licenses. It's really pathetic how the system fails us.

There should definitely be jail time for a second DWI, and serious jailtime and at least a 5 year license recovation for the third(to start after the sentence ends). Then if these people get pulled over for a suspended license then take their license away for life. If they still drive then just put them back in jail again. Either way, just focus more on the hardcore drunk [censored] who cause a huge % of the alcohol-related fatalities.
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