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Old 07-30-2007, 05:07 PM
Mr.WeakTight Mr.WeakTight is offline
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Default NSFW Date rape or Not? NSFW NSFW

On the net at w w w f u c d dot com is a video called "drunk girl f'ed at party' that I will presently describe:

drunk girl is passed out on a bed. at least two guys are in the room. she's wearing pants and a top with spaghetti straps, and I think no bra because her left breast is exposed. one guy is video taping it, the other guy is taking her pants off. he gets them off without her coming to, though she does seem to stir a bit.

he touches her inner thigh and slides her panties over. he starts massaging her third base area.

only after he is starting to kiss her while working on third base does Drunk Girl start to wake up. she says either "Taco," a name or "let go." then she comes to a bit more and drunkenly says, "who the f are you?" he's got his face right by her and he's kissing her. she kisses him back and tries to give him a little tounge. the camera guy says "the one who's going to be fing you." she says "all right" in a tone of voice that suggests that would be nice.

she starts touching herself. after a little while, she says she can't breathe. he gets off of her and disrobes. she starts to take her own underwear off and I think the camera guy finishes it for her or it might've been the guy who ends up f ing her. she's moaning and hagning on to the f'er. he gets on top of her and they start in the missionary. camera guy says "see if you can get her name." after a while it dissolves to them just switching to doggie style.

so my questions are:

I think the law is that if she is not capable of consent, it is rape. so 1) was she capable of consent? 2) Did she consent?

3) who is a bigger douche? the f'er, the drunk girl or the camera man or the person responsbile for putting this on the Internet?