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Old 07-30-2007, 02:21 PM
mikeymer mikeymer is offline
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Default ROCK THE BELLS 7/29 - TR

Alright I'm going to do my best here, as once I got into double digit drinks + pot my memory got fuzzy. This show was insanity. We got there around 2pm and it was [censored] pouring, POURING. The rain was the heaviest for Mos Def and Talib Kweli, and it was really getting annoying. Mos and Kweli killed it, sometimes its annoying to me personally when they go acapella with some random verse they just wrote, I want to hear the [censored] that I know, I thought Mos was going to end with Travellin' Man but he only sang the chorus. They did do Definition and the Definition remix (the one with black thought) with new verses for 07, that was truly sick. But I'm rambling.

Rakim was up next, and I didnt catch much of it to be honest, I know hes a legend [censored] kinda boring to me though, I started listening to rap when i was in 5th grade, taht was around dre/wu tang etc. so I can't appreciate him as much. Around now the rain started to let up, and we celebrated by getting [censored] up. By now it was muddy as all hell and hippies were sliding down hills like it was a slip and slide, that was enjoyable to watch, a few ppl really got [censored] up. there was a mini mud pit with a bunch of dudes wrestling, no girls so i didnt bother watching or taking pictures.

Somebody recommend me some Atmosphere albums to buy from Itunes cause this guy absolutely killed it on stage with Murs, one of the only other underground guys I listen to. They both have great stage prescence and all around shows for hiphop artists. They were on the small stage, after them MF Doom came on and absolutely destroyed it, I always find that I like the smaller stage shows more, I think I missed cypress hill when I was at the smaller stage. Again though, I wish he would have done some [censored] from Doomsday bc I spend more time nowadays listening to lil wayne than mf doom. The one underground artist i missed seeing was Cage, the crazy whiteboy rapper. He brings a ton of energy and the crowd looked riled up so I'm disapointed that I didnt go over and instead went to Mos and Kweli.

Wu Tang was incredible. Did all the old [censored], they played ODB's verses when he was supposed to be up and the crowd knew most of the lyrics, they hardly cut any songs short which also was awesome. They performed Triumph, Cream, Shame on a [censored], Wu Wear, Incarcerated Scarfaces from Raekwon's album, so much good stuff.

Rage came on last, and i dont know a thing about them, they did a couple of encores, they were cool even though I didnt know their music. they got a cool sound ill probably pick up an album of theirs.

all in all a great show and a lot of fun, crowd was like 85% white (i won a sidebet on that), and there was like no serious fighting which surprised me because it was basically a free for all once inside randalls island. now a couple of pics:

I did my best w/ the pics but its a pain in the ass to keep taking the camera out especially when its so [censored] out. im the guy in the white shirt. probably forgot some stuff but it was a blast and ill definitely go back.
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