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Old 07-30-2007, 02:07 PM
osoverride osoverride is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 42
Default Re: Thoughts on a Hand

ok but like you said by not betting pre flop you have a hard time reading the players hand. and are you really saying if they started with 1,500 with 200 in the pot you would take a coin flip? sounds like a bad equity decision to me. its the first hand and if he keeps play so aggressively then there will be better spots to come. my suggestion would be to fold and get a better feel for you opponents before playing large pots with modist hands like AQ top pair. think about it on that board with blinds what they are you really cant beat anything he is representing. a KQ flush draw is 50/50 i wouldn't risk my T life on something like that when blinds are so small compared to your stack.
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