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Old 07-30-2007, 11:59 AM
old dogg old dogg is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 62
Default Wake up democrats!

The presidential election of 2008 is critically important. Because we are on the verge of a world war which is certainly to be much more violent than the last one. Looking at the current line-up of candidates and the sad state of campaigning of both parties, I`m both appalled and scared.
The republicans have the weight of the Bush presidency hanging around their necks with no one in the press giving them any credit at all, as if any position they take is shared by the president. For the democrats it is even worse.
Barak Obama made a naive and irresponsible statement about his willingness to talk to anyone at anytime without precondition. When Hillary Clinton calls him on it he responded with the accusation that her position was Bush-like. It has become accepted that everything Bush does is wrong. The democrats are painting themselves into a corner with irresponsible and dangerous polices, solely because it is the opposite of what Bush would do.If the adults don`t get control of the party we are all in trouble.
The depth of Bush hatred will only be eased when a democrat is elected president... if the democratic party doesn`t implode first. The democrats seem well on the way to nominate another unelectable candidate. Their money and power base is so far left, that any candidate with even a slightly moderate view stands no chance at all.
Barak Obama can take a irresponsible and dangerous position with the knowledge that the left wing base in the party will support him, if only because the position he takes is opposite to that of Bush`s. The democrats can hold a debate and not even mention the islamic fascist that are at war with us. Democrats act and speak as if the islamic fascist aren`t the enemy, Bush is!
It is looking like the adults won`t be able to gain control of the party,and because the republicans will most likely nominate a moderate, they will win the white house again. This will leave us an even angrier and more bitter democratic party, ensuring the cycle of ugly partisan politics that is hurting us all.
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