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Old 07-30-2007, 01:22 AM
PhatPots PhatPots is offline
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Default Dealing with Newbies who just don\'t \"Get it\"

I was at a bachelor party this weekend. I was told to bring my poker chips. We played a low buy-in tournament and then cash game. $10 tournament, $20 cash game.

I had to explain the rules numerous times. The bachelor, just couldn't seem to grasp the flow of things.

Everytime action was on him "What do I do?"
I would explain the what he can do. It would happen on EVERY STREET.

The most annoying thing, which was kind of funny was when Player A would bet 5,000 and he Bachelor would put 6,000 into the pot. I would say "Did you want to raise?" and he would go "Ya, raise." and then I would say "K, you have to raise to 10,000 because you have to at least double the other bet." He would look at me like a deer looking into head lights and then nodd and correct his action. The next hand we would have the same situation, someone bets 10,000 and he puts in 11,000.

How many times should I have to explain this particular rule before I rightfully get annoyed? What if he isn't the bachelor?

The funniest situations would be when I would bet every street, betting bigger each time. We would go to a show down and I would have a set and he would show his cards which would be 95o, no pair, or no draw was on the board at any point.

It is sooooo funny to see. At one point I suggested we put a helmet on him so he doesn't hurt himself. Same player wants to have a regular poker game once a week. The stakes would be low, but it would be a massacre. I think it would be unethical to play this guy.
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