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Old 07-29-2007, 01:32 PM
j555 j555 is offline
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Default Re: Some thoughts on Iraq, the GOP, and Ron Paul

I agree with you that Ron Paul is a lot more conservative than all of the Republican frontrunners. But the current Republican Party seems to have been taken over by the neocons and that's unfortunate because they will lose in '08, and I hope they do if it means the party will get back to what it used to be. Ron Paul probably won't win the nomination but his message getting out there is also important to get the Republican party back on track. You would figure that someone who votes for the least amount of spending, the least amount of taxes, is pro life, anti nation building, against amnesty and for secure borders, pro 2nd amendment would be a shoe in for the nomination of the GOP, but as of now they'd rather support candidates who advocate exactly the opposite of some of these things.
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