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Old 07-29-2007, 12:47 PM
VarlosZ VarlosZ is offline
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Default Re: A question (mostly) for AC\'ers, about the rule of law.

Isn't there a problem in the original setup in that you are asking about exceptions to a law in ACland, but in ACland there are no laws. . .

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I thought that it was extremely obvious that the OP wasn't asking about exceptions to a law in AC land, but rather about exceptions to a law in the real world. Rereading now, it still seems extremely obvious to me, but given all of the confusion I must have written it poorly. I apologise.

LOL! You know the title of your thread is "A question (mostly) for AC'ers..." right?

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Yes, and I'm sure you know that not every thread that's related to AC in some way should turn into the same exact discussion about that philosophy's general worth. Obvisouly there's going to be some overlap with that debate, but the first few responses to the thread had nothing at all to do with the question posed in the OP.

Just to clarify once more: I'm wondering if AC'ers would prefer to see a (purportedly) unjust, freedom-limiting law occasionally disregarded by its executors when they feel it's prudent to do so (thus immediately increasing the amount of freedom to be had), or whether they'd rather see the unjust law uniformily applied in cases like the one referenced in the OP.
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