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Old 07-29-2007, 05:36 AM
waxhax0rs waxhax0rs is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 156
Default Re: NLTRN limping from the button?

I'm a n00b myself but I'll try to answer:

Raise/fold should be your standard play I think. You should really try to find out right off the bat if your opponent is able to fold. So play raise/fold initially and if you get called a lot and they don't fold to your c-bets then adapt. Against overly aggressive opponents who like to donk-bet pot-sized bets after I raise them preflop, I will tighten up my raising range a bit but still play raise/fold poker. Against opponents who just like to call a lot, I will start limping a lot of decent hand and raise my better than average hands like any Ace, most Kings and Queens, and medium connectors like 89 or better, and any pair. I'll limp potential prospects like most suited cards and lower connects, and fold terrible hands like your offsuit 8-gappers (ie T2o).

Really when you play raise/fold, you add an additional way to win every pot you play, which is that they fold preflop. And you want to c-bet a lot and you will take down a lot of pots. If not, the adapt obv.

About minraising : minraising is terrible, don't do it unless you're playing someone who is weaktight who will fold to your minraises a lot. I still don't like it anyway. I absolutely love it when people minraise me, I call with 53s and the flop comes A 2 4 and I stack them with their AK.
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