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Old 07-29-2007, 12:55 AM
thing85 thing85 is offline
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Default First time home buyer - Any good books/reading material?

I realize the topic of home buying and mortgages comes up semi-frequently on this forum, but nothing in my search lead me to any good reading material.

Sometime in the next year or so I'm going to be a first time buyer in the Chicago area (probably looking for a condo), but I don't want to go into the process blind. I'm looking for a good book geared toward first-time buyers that discusses good things to know about mortgages, down payments, credit implications, when it's better to buy or rent, etc. I have an accounting/finance background, so a "technical" book doesn't bother me (although I'm not sure how much accounting/finance knowledge will help me).

If you don't know of a good book, are there any decent reads online?

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.
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