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Old 07-28-2007, 09:39 PM
Sirasoni Sirasoni is offline
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Default Re: New Software. FTP HUD with 3-bets %!! Free!!!

Finally tested it out for a few thousand hands. One of the immediate problems I noticed was that I don't think RT imported or processed all of the hands it needed to. For example, I would notice that I would have 0 hands on many players, despite datamining every day. I thought it was coincidence, but even against regulars I should have thousands of hands on, I still had little or 0. Though I think this only applies to certain players (just not ALL players), and I have a feeling this is a problem on my end. I went back to the earlier posts and saw that Fozzy said to have your username in all 3 boxes (Hand History Folder, Your History Folder, Your Screen Name). It was just the default \HandHistory folder in the first box, so I added my name there (\[USERNAME]) and am running another import, hopefully that will solve my problem?

edit: Problem still persists, I sent you an e-mail with a screenshot that has RT and PA HUD on to show the difference in hand amounts. I kind of messed up the number order in the screenshot for some of the players but you can still see the difference. RT hud is the one that displays more stats with a smaller font, PA hud is the one with the bigger font and is kind of just all over the place.

Some other minor issues include the hud not remembering where the winner/potsize box is placed, as Triggerle already mentioned.

Additionally, there is no wtsd/w@sd stat in the pop up box (though I do realize you can add those to the immediately visible stats).

I also would like to know how the Aggression Frequency works out - I had assumed it was just like PA hud's but multiplied by 10, but then I figured that wouldn't make much sense. How does it work in relation to the normal PT/PA hud numbers? Does it have something to do with it being "Agg. Frequency" and not "Agg. Factor"? I think that's where my problem lies, and if so, is there a way to get traditional Aggression Factor #s into RT?

Other than that, it seems pretty glitch-free. Best of all, it doesn't lag-kill FTP whenever I play more than 4 tables like PA does, and the additional stats (3b, f3) are very very useful. Thanks Mike!
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