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Old 07-28-2007, 02:29 AM
Leobzook Leobzook is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 610
Default Re: Official Party Regulars Thread

sent party a e-mail about the russian short stacks ratholing. here is their reply:

With reference to your email, we would like to inform you that unfortunately we do not have any policy against these activities at this point in time. We do understand that certain players indulge in such activity which does affect the mind set of other player at the table and causes inconvenience to them.

However, please be informed that this would be escalated to our higher management to have a policy against such actions. We assure you that we would come up with a resolution at the earliest point in time and hopefully in the next official party update.

Contact us anytime, we are available around the clock to assist you with your account related questions and suggestions.

