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Old 07-27-2007, 10:08 PM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: Does the flop ever go back?

Bless your heart, I wish some of our floor would come on here and work to get consistent rulings. I work as a dealer, and I can offer this:

Train your dealers to bring in bets BEFORE the flop. This gives everybody maximum chance to object, and it gives the dealer one more look at every bet to make sure it's ok. On later streets, deal the card and then bring in bets. This helps direct the action and also is an immediate reminder how many are in the hand, which helps prevent this sort of thing.

As to the flop, psandman has it right. The flop is brought back and reshuffled if there are four to the flop, as well. In no way does this kill the action on the hand. The three cards on the second flop are just as random as the first three. Superstitious nits don't like this, which is why your dealers need to be trained to pay attention and do things in a way that prevent errors.
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