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Old 07-27-2007, 04:39 PM
DrewDevil DrewDevil is offline
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Default Re: A Female President: Is America ready?

Just arriving to this thread and didn't read it all.

I am a disenchanted libertarian who would happily vote for a woman if I agreed with her on the issues. I normally don't even bother to vote.

But if Hillary Clinton gets the Dem nomination, I will vote early and often for the candidate who has the best chance of defeating her. I don't "hate" Mrs. Clinton but I am terrified at the prospect of her being president.

I think she is trying to sandbag everyone with her recent "middle of the road" voting record and believe she is still who she was when she was first lady -- a power-hungry ultraliberal with totalitarian tendencies who wants to recreate America in her vision of whatever. I have not forgotten that she proposed to nationalize the U.S. health care system completely, or that she refused to turn over subpoenaed documents because "we are the president."

I will campaign in the streets to keep Hillary out of the White House. Ugh.
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