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Old 07-27-2007, 10:35 AM
Moonshine Moonshine is offline
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Default Re: playing against ratholers

No, I said a good shortstacker shouldn't have much in terms of tendencies as all, thats not the same as you saying I said "shortstackers don't have tendencies".

Furthermore, I don't think you get what is unethical about shortstacking; it's not shortstacking itself in essence, it is, as many people have said before, the ratholing part of it. Poker is a game that developed live, and within the context of the game there are ethics concerning leaving the table, taking money off the table and sitting back down.

To compare that with stacking a gambling addict (of which account balance you have no idea of nor do you have any idea who he is, where he comes from and his financial situation) is just ridiculous.

Also I just heard you have gone from fullstacking to shortstacking, which kind of makes you rather biased trying to defend your own behaviour.

[/ QUOTE ]

Alright, well it's clear we have a difference of opinion on the ethics issue and while I don't agree, I do understand where you're coming from since 99% of my play over the last 3 years has been full stacked.

I'm not trying to defend what I do. I have openly stated in this thread that what I do is completely lame and I acknowledge that it ruins games.

The bottom line is this: I love the game of poker and all but 80% of the time I play my goal is simple: Make as much money as possible. From now until the last hand I ever play or until i have the luxury of being a gazillionaire, i will play poker in whatever fashion earns me the most money.

That's awesome that a lot of you guys are good enough that you can full stack 25/50 and make 1k+ an hour. I respect and envy you for that. I'm not good enough to do that anymore and I fully admit it. I can't make more than 300/hr full stacking mid stakes. It's insane for people to think that I should freely choose to take a huge cut in pay though voluntarily when I do have the ability to make more than double that in an easy, ableit, more dubious fashion.

I wish I was 18 like many of you guys and I had all the time in the world to grind it out and work on my game and put in the hours so that maybe someday I could be the next durrr.

That time has passed for me though. I'm 23 now. I'm out of college and working. I've got a house to buy, bills to pay, I just don't have the time and can't afford the risk involved in playing full high stakes anymore.

If everyone adjusts properly and SSing is no longer profitable then so be it, I'll just play whatever game makes me the most money then.
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