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Old 07-26-2007, 05:26 PM
cowboy billy cowboy billy is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 395
Default Re: My situation - need advice from fellow 2p2\'rs.....

haven't read all the replies, so I might be posting stuff that's already mentioned, but I'll blame variance

1: concentrate on 1 or 2 tables MAX, don't do other stuff while you play, really focus on the players at your table, the flow of the game and the decisions you make

2: at first, PLAY SHORT SESSIONS, and RE-EVALUATE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS, which decisions were tough, what could you have done differently/better, copy interesting hand histories into a document while you play, but only start thinking about these hands when you're done with the session, during the session only think about the play at hand

3: AFTER you've evaluated some of the tough decisions from the session you've just completed, POST HANDS on 2+2 where you're confused about the proper play, maybe we can come up with solutions you hadn't thought of yourself, it works for me!

4: instead of reading all sorts of articles and poker books on the way to work or in your lunch break or whenever, try thinking about some of the hands you've played in recent sessions instead and re-evaluate in your mind where you could improve your game, I've come up with some interesting stuff doing this myself

5: QUIT BONUSWHORING for now, it will distract you from your play, I've had the same problem, I was only paying attention to the number of raked hands I had accumulated and my game suffered from it, it would be much better to get a rake back deal instead

6: PLAY ON A SITE WHERE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE, even if you can't get a rake back deal, move to another site if things aren't working out, atm I play at party bc I like the action, even though I don't get any rake back and could play any other site if I'd wish, if I start to run bad, I'll move to a different site just as easily

ok, I just wrote this in a flow and I probably left out a bunch, but this is important stuff, do this and I GUARANTEE you that you will improve your game (no refunds)

just stop reading about pkr (except this post obv, lol) and start playing the game, as soon as you start running into problems, re-evaluate, post and discuss hands on this forum, until you master every concept, yes?
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