Thread: I Need a job!!!
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Old 07-26-2007, 05:07 AM
Assani Fisher Assani Fisher is offline
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Default Re: I Need a job!!!

I have a degree in Communications

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from Central Michigan

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double oops

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Former college partier who never cared enough about school. Triple oops.

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Although in my own defense I have always been an underachiever in school, but an overachiever in the workplace.

Most of my friends and family viewed me playing poker for a living as "cool", but also as a massive waste of my talents. I am well-spoken, articulate and generally well-liked; I am creative and a hard worker. I would excel in many fields, especially those like PR. I would crush a job where I deal with people; I've always thought I'd make an exceptional casino host.

Unfortunately due to my lack of experience or a good degree from a good school I am blackballed before I can show off my skillz. Classic brainiac who never applied himself because, "who cares, I'll figure it out." All my old jobs were in service, like waiting tables and bartending. Really regretting my life choices and looking for new opportunities. If nobody has any real ideas, understood. The fake ones are good for a laugh anyway.

Maybe I can apprentice for crazy mike and learn how to fight teh bots?

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I too am a poker pro, and I too once went broke and had to get a 'real job.' I applied to be a direct salesman for Cablevision. The gig was to go door to door to non-cable subscribers and try to sell them. I got the job.

It paid largely on commission, but $60K/year was completely attainable and $90K/year was possible if you were really good. Addittionally other than an hour at the office everyday, you really had no supervision and could work as hard as you wanted(technically you were supposed to work 8 hours/day, but nobody did and you could just take the day off and make up some numbers about houses you visited if you wanted long as you made a certain number of sales per month you'd be good).

I only did it for 3 months before I went back to poker because I won a Party Super Tuesday for $30K. But it was a good job for me for sure. And it sounds to me like you could do it. Plus the guys that hire here really aren't going to be too concerned with your college GPA or other crap. If you can show them in an interview that you're personable and can be a good salesperson then they'll hire you.

You didn't say if you're looking for a full time career or just something to get you back on your feet before you go back to poker. If the latter, then I'd definitely suggest direct sales of some sort.
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