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Old 07-26-2007, 12:29 AM
Paul2432 Paul2432 is offline
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Default Re: is it better to fold pre-flop in an easy game w/ jacks?

In a cash game, the idea that there will be a "better spot" later is a terrible rational for making a play. You should make whatever play is most profitable in a given situation regardless of what might happen on a future hand. I can think of only two excpetions: 1) You are on a very limited bankroll and the game is extremely soft. In that case passing on marginally profitable high risk plays might be good idea. 2) In a capped buy-in game if you and a very bad player have a large stack compared to the buy-in it might be a good idea to fold a marginally profitable hand that risked your stack so you can take the bad players stack in a later hand (of course there is no guarantee, he could lose it to another player or leave the table).

That said, in the situation you've given, it's tough to say. If players are really loose, I'd probably call.

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