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Old 07-25-2007, 10:55 PM
dividius dividius is offline
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Default Re: How Do Non-Rational Players Succeed in Poker?

For some reason you also appear to confuse tight/predictable play with being math oriented, and loose-aggressive play as being characteristics of an instinctual player when I see no reason for doing that. In fact I believe many of the wildest and most relentless winning players in todays games are math oriented (BLd vs. H@ll seems like a perfect example of what I mean).

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I was trying too hard to use different words to express the same thing, and it ended up sounding like I thought all math/logic players play close to the vest and all instinctual players play loose, which is clearly not true. Looking back at the way I wrote it, I could see why you would think that. My apologies. I understand that many wild and loose players are math oriented, and some players that rely more on intuition are tight. I could edit it know....laziness...and such. Just replace "math" with "logic" and "loose" with "intuitive", and that's what I meant. Didn't mean to get caught up in semantics. I stand by the rest of the post.
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