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Old 07-25-2007, 09:35 PM
LionelHutz00 LionelHutz00 is offline
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Default Re: kinky sex with scientologist chick. cannibalism?

wowowowowow, from wikipedia:
"Admiration particles"

In The Creation of Human Ability, Hubbard hailed "compelled admiration" as an important step of progress in "Knowingness", as measured on his "Know to Sex" scale. Hubbard stated:

"It can be observed that the eating of living flesh or live cells delivers a kind of admiration to the taste, and it can be observed that under torture, duress of all kinds, the tortured one will suddenly, if degradedly, admire his torturer."

Hubbard then went on to say that sex was an even better "communication system" for the same purposes of forced "admiration", and defined the sex act, consensual or otherwise, as "an interchange of condensed admiration particles".

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Scientology's views on the body

Hubbard called the physical world MEST, which is something we, as ethereal Thetans temporarily operating our "meat bodies", are meant to transcend and conquer. Thetans are of the "Theta Universe", and the entire purpose of the Theta Universe is, in Hubbard's words, "the conquest, change, and ordering" of this universe. [12]

Scientologists often refer to their bodies as "this piece of meat," or "this meat of ours" [13] and new recruits to the church are classified as "raw meat". [14] Scientology is geared towards attaining "cause over MEST", attaining awareness that our bodies are undesirable physical objects that are only holding us back, and attaining the ability to abandon one's body via "exteriorization" and ultimately by becoming an Operating Thetan Clear and a Cleared Theta Clear. [15] The Scientology Tone scale, in fact, lists needing a body (and all body-related matters) among the lowest of all possible states.

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