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Old 07-25-2007, 08:39 PM
Dids Dids is offline
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Default Re: NVG thread deletion q

Krantz asked me to delete them, I guess he wasn't comfortable with some of the threads ToS made and I think just wanted to deescalate the situation given the working assumption that ToS is tied to some nasty dudes and the fact that he was tossing around threats. Frankly I didn't press it much. I was comfortable deleting it on those grounds. For the same reason I was intentionally vague when I explained why it was deleted.

It might be a bit iffy, but I feel like the guidance we've had from Mat on stuff like this in the past is to err on the side of caution.

If ToS had asked for it to be deleted just because he was acting insane, that's totally different and I wouldn't have deleted the thread. For the most part I totally agree with what you said about people being accountable for what they've said in public forums. Again, this wasn't about trying to keep people from looking like asses or anything.
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