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Old 07-25-2007, 02:55 PM
Badger Badger is offline
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Default Re: Should I diversify and/or add to my 401k?

I would try to increase your liquid savings, ideally to 3-6 months of expenses, in case you lose your job, or for emergencies.

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Yup, I am working on this. Just one year ago today, I had $9k in student loans, credit card, and HELOC debt, and only about $1k in any emergency liquid accounts. Today my balance on the high interest credit cards, the student loan, and the HELOC - is ZERO! and I have built the liquid emergency fund (HSBC for me) up substantially too. But I do want to get my HSBC acocunt up to about 8k or more, to feel safe. I guess that's what I was asking, when I asked about the amount I put into the 401k - should I put less in for now, while I build my emergency fund, or leave the 4% to take the free money from work? But that question was pretty much answered, thanks.
I would think about putting some money in a ROTH IRA as well.

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Yeah, I've been researching this lately, and after I build my emergency fund, the Roth IRA will probably be my next investment.
Thanks for the feedback.

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Big congrats on being debt free. If I were you I would make your Roth IRA be your emergency fund. Pick something stable to invest in. In case of emergency you can pull out the money you have put in but not the profits.

When I got out of college and started working my first priority was getting $4k in a Roth, then I ramped up my 401k (it wasn't getting matched right away when I started working) and then I began saving 6 months cash to have on hand.
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