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Old 07-25-2007, 12:59 PM
Nitilism Nitilism is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 145
Default Re: pokertracker analysis and typical Plo mistakes ?

First stat: fold to river bet. Your's should be the range of 55-65%. Any lower, you're going to showdown too often, any higher, you are either getting pushed off the best hand too often and/or going too far with sub-par hands.

So a player that has a fold to river bet % of 80% probably thinks to himself "These fish always suck out on me" The truth is he plays too many weak hands that he should fold on the flop.

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i just added this to my HUD and it seems like everyones is super high. i have a few thousand hands on john juanda and some other 200/400 players who also have a high % like this.

JJ is sporting 80% fold river ??WTF???

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I am not qualified to comment on the 200/400 games...
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