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Old 07-25-2007, 09:48 AM
Brad1970 Brad1970 is offline
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Default Re: Ask an Iraq war Vet

First off, thank you for your service.

I only have one question. All of the IED's we hear about, are they mostly built using Russian made explosives left over from the 80's when they invaded Afghanistan or are the terrorists buying new stuff on the blackmarket? Or is it a combination of pretty much any & everything?

FWIW, I used to be a big supporter of Dubya but the longer this war drags out & the more bullsh*t that we are fed from his administration, the more I'm convinced that he invaded Iraq because he was bullied into it by Cheney & the big oil companies. Afterall, they have to make back all of the millions they gave in campaign contributions don't they? I also believe that as soon as we pull out, the Iraqi "democracy" will fall like a house of cards & they will be right back to square one. I had/have no problem going after Bin Laden & his group though. Sorry for the hijack.
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