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Old 07-25-2007, 01:12 AM
Monolith Monolith is offline
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Default Re: Why does everybody seem to hate Bush these days?

all I can say is: did your parents have any children that lived? Because you, obviously, are in some other, parallel universe where brain cells are the most valuable, least populous particle around. Bush invaded a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, and was no direct threat to the U.S.; the "war on terror" has only strengthened Al-Queda and the recruiting therein; gay marriage: why do you give a rat's ass? and don't tell me "cuz that's what the Bible says", cuz it also says to have slaves, beat your women, and rape your daughters; abortion: why should you have any say so, dude, unless you have a vagina?; Iran and North Korea wouldn't be a threat if Bushit would quit acting like "to ignore a problem is to pretend it will go away"; the economy, wow; do you make over $100k a year? Because if you don't, let me tell ya, the economy doesn't feel so great; besides, the importance of the economy somewhat pales when compared to how the U.S. is viewed in the world community; and, last but not least, your assinine statement that Bushit is a "man of morals and integrity unlike his "former successor?" (isn't that an oxymoron?)btw: the word is predecessor. Bush has completely stomped on what makes (made?)this country so great: the Constitution. He has wiped his arse with it, and then laughed about it, PUBLICLY; he was told in the last election, by the people who supposedly put him in office, to change the way he is doing things in Iraq, and elsewhere, but he says 'nah, why change, when I'm leaving office soon anyway, who cares about a few American soldier's lives'; Clinton cheated on his wife; who cares? Bush was addicted to whiskey and coke; at least Clinton cared about human life; you call Bush a good christian, yet he careds not one bit about being honest with the voting public, nor about the lives of the soldiers; If I was Bush, I'd commit suicide; that'd be the best, most selfless thing he'd ever done...
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