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Old 07-24-2007, 11:04 AM
Ghazban Ghazban is offline
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Default Re: Fear of dying - Religious vs non-religious people

I am not religious but I also do not fear death, nor do I wish to live forever. Any afterlife concept that involves eternal consciousness (whether that be heaven or hell or purgatory or whatever) seems very weird to me. If such things exist, I think I would have to have some sort of revelation to "get" them that I haven't had yet. I'd have a hard time being motivated to accomplish anything if I was going to live (and "live" here can just mean "be aware") forever; part of the joy of life is that it is finite and I have to make the decisions of how I want to spend the limited time I have.

Re: afterlife, if everything is perfect in heaven, how does one not get bored? If everything in hell is torture, wouldn't you get used to it at some point? It seems the only logical way for these places to exist would be if everything was better/worse than it was the time period before (day, hour, whateveR). Good and bad are relative concepts so any stagnation (as I perceive heaven and hell to be as described) would lose it's effectiveness at seeming "good" or "bad" due to familiarity. An ever-increasing/decreasing level of positivity/negativity for eternity doesn't pass my sniff test.
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